From complexity to clarity.
Pentland Analytics provides strategic counsel to the executive management of the world’s leading companies.
Introducing fresh perspectives on old questions. Pioneering imaginative ways of approaching new questions. Innovating with ambitious technologies to create powerful solutions that expedite success.
Pentland Analytics is all about application. Turning knowledge into something useful.

Dr Deborah Pretty
Dr Deborah Pretty is the founder of Pentland Analytics and has been at the forefront of risk analytics for over 30 years.
Deborah’s research has been published extensively in academic and professional journals, and she has been honoured as keynote speaker at numerous conferences around the world. Deborah authored the book, Risk Financing Strategies – the impact on shareholder value, was a leading contributor to the Financial Times Mastering Risk series and served for many years on the editorial advisory board of Corporate Finance Review.
For her work in financial economics, Deborah was appointed Research Fellow at the University of Oxford. Previous roles include as Co-founder and Principal of Oxford Metrica, Assistant Director at Sedgwick Energy and risk analyst at Tillinghast, where Deborah was assigned to London, New York and Boston. Deborah holds a BA (Hons) degree in industrial economics with mathematics from the University of Nottingham, and a doctorate from the University of Oxford.